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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Did you look....REALLY?!

So when you ask your husband to help you look for something, does he really?  We were looking for our daughters other shoe, he opened the closet and looked but didn't touch anything.  I asked him; 'Did you look under the stuff on the floor?' 
LB:  'No, I'm going to go look in the toy room now.'

Me: 'Yeah but if you looked better, the shoe could be in the closet and you wouldn't have to look in the other room.'

LB:  'Just be happy that I'm helping.'

Me: 'If you're only doing a half ass job, you're not helping.  I'm still going to have to look in that closet if that's where the shoe is.'

If you're going to help, then help all the way, don't just do enough to get credit for it,  I'll still have to do it right!  Grrrrr!

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